
If you don’t have a perfect credit score, here’s what we want you to know.

If you can make the full 10% fee that we charge and not use our payment plan, you won’t have to worry about your credit score. You’ve fulfilled your financial obligation to us. Now, as long as you obey every term of your bail, you can go home and prepare your defense.

If you don’t have enough to cover the 10% fee and need to make payments, we will take a look at your credit rating. Don’t assume that because your credit isn’t perfect that you won’t be approved. We are willing to work with you and use several things, including if you have a regular job and how frequently you can make payments, to decide if you qualify for our payment program.

If you haven’t dealt with Lynwood Bail Bonds before, here are some of the things you’re going to like!

  • Flexible payment plans
  • Simple contracts
  • 24/7 service
  • Phone consultations
  • Online consultations
  • Zero worry about hidden fees
  • Zero-down bail bond
  • Zero-interest bail bond
  • Discretion

Lynwood Bail Bonds offers completely free consultations that are available 24/7. All you have to do is call (323)357-0575.


Bail and Your Mental Health

According to Cornell University, the incarcerated population with mental health problems is 3-12 times higher than the freed populations. Some of these inmates were struggling with mental health when they were arrested. Others developed health concerns while they were incarcerated. In both cases, mental health problems worsened as the incarceration continued.

Mental health concerns that are experienced by inmates include:

  • Paranoia
  • Depression
  • Manic episodes
  • Bi-polar
  • Anxiety

Not only will the extended incarceration have a negative impact on your overall mental health, but getting treatment and counseling is nearly impossible.

Posting your bail and being released from jail is an excellent way to preserve your health. But don’t assume that a lack of financial resources means you can’t be released on bail. All you have to do is contact Lynwood Bail Bonds simply call (323)357-0575.