Arrest Situations For Immigrants


If you know someone who is an immigrant to the United States and has just been arrested, you should know that they are facing a tough situation. However, they are not completely defeated.

Here’s what you should know:

  1. They have the right to a lawyer, and that lawyer does not have to be government-provided council. They have a right to have a private attorney represent them, and if you are willing, you can help them find a good private lawyer.
  2. They can inform their consulate of their arrest, so that consulate is aware of the situation and can help mediate.
  3. They have the right to remain silent. They should not discuss their immigration status unless their lawyer is present.
  4. They may have the right to post bail with an immigration bail bond, which you can get more information about by contacting Crenshaw Bail Bond Store today!

Contact Crenshaw Bail Bond Store right now for more information!

Chat with a bail bonds representative online for immediate assistance or give us a call at 323-357-0575.