Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Crenshaw

Bail Is No Different For Celebrities

Everyone thinks that celebrities get special treatment and many times, it proves to be true. However, in serious times, it isn’t. Celebrities get treated in the same manner as every other person. Yes, celebrities do get arrested, and yes, they even get arrested for breaking the law just like anyone else. They also have to […]

Fully Understanding the Statute of Limitations

A statute of limitations is the time frame in which a person or party can file a lawsuit against another person for being part of a crime. The time periods will vary depending on when the crime took place. The most heinous crimes like aggravated rape or murder have no statute of limitations. The clock […]

Understanding Background Checks

Whenever you apply for a job, a loan, a new home, or even a gun, you’re going to have to undergo a background check. You may not give this too much thought, especially if you have a clean record, but it’s still good to know what shows up on your background check . . . […]

Help, I Can’t Afford My Bail!

Bail is expensive and not many people can afford to pay it. Bail bonds are the more affordable alternative to having a loved one sit in jail, but even then, some people struggle trying to pay this, as well as, making their other ends meet. However, bail bonds don’t have to be paid off by […]

You Can Be The Role Model To Your Older Sibling

Whenever you might hear that “age is nothing but a number” you really should believe it. However, in the dating world, the professional world, and even within the family, this mantra may not always apply. A younger sibling might not always be considered to be the more immature and irresponsible child in the family. He […]

Paying For A Bail Bond? That’s Not A Problem!

Budgeting money is something you should be doing regularly in order to maintain balance in your life. Whenever you get involved with something new that you have to regularly pay for, you need to re-visit your budgeting schedule and be willing to make any necessary adjustments. So you probably already allocate funds for rent, utilities, […]

What Makes Whittier Bail Bond Store Great?

Some reasons as to why Whittier Bail Bond Store is the number one bail bond company in California that you want to have on your side through these tough times: 24/7 state-wide availability. Nearly 30 years in the bail bond industry. Only the friendliest and most reliable bail agents and representatives. Customized, low monthly rate […]

The Pain Of Explaining Jail And Bail To Children

If you thought that explaining the story behind “Santa Claus” isn’t real to your children was difficult, imagine having to explain to them the fact that ‘Mommy’ or ‘Daddy’ was arrested and put in jail for doing something really bad, and was unable to come home for a certain number of hours, days, weeks, or […]

Don’t Ever Give Up, Even If Your Loved One Has

Whenever someone might be arrested, it can become very easy for them to give up on themselves. They’ve gotten themselves into a very tough situation and now they’re behind bars. I’m sure you can understand how it would be difficult for them to see anything good happening for them in the near future. They’re angry, […]

The Evolution of Bail

When judges set bail at a specific amount of money for a defendant, that individual or anyone on their behalf must pay that amount to the court to be released from jail. This is known as bail. This concept in the justice system has evolved over centuries and has quite the history. Bail first began […]