Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Crenshaw

Self-Defense in California

Self-Defense in California

In California you can’t be found guilty of a violent crime provided you can prove that the only reason you used the violent action was in self-defense. In addition to proving that you were in danger, you’ll also have to prove that your actions were reasonable given the set of circumstances you found yourself in. […]

Rights of Homeowners While Within Their Home

Rights of Homeowners While Within Their Home

The great thing about owning your own home is that you’re far freer to do what you wish with it. However, it’s important to understand that even though you own the property, you aren’t necessarily allowed to do absolutely anything on or two it. Every single township/city in California has ordinances that restrict some of […]

Protecting your Property from Creditors in California

Rights of Homeowners While Within Their Home

Just because you owe a debt, it doesn’t mean you should sacrifice your home. To protect homeowners, California legislatures created a series of California homestead real estate laws that are specifically designed to ensure that non-consensual creditors can’t drive you from your home, or that they take the money you made from selling a piece […]

How to Handle Noisy Neighbors

How to Handle Noisy Neighbors

Noisy neighbors can seriously lower your enjoyment of life, particularly when the noise happens late at night. If you’re in the middle of a noisy neighbor situation, here’s some tips that will help you gain some peace. Is the Noise Chronic Truthfully, if the noise issue is just an occasional thing, your best course of […]

Did You Know about This Forgotten Right?

Did You Know about This Forgotten Right?

Many people are familiar with the First and Second Amendment to the US Constitution. However, this is like only reading the first paragraph of a book and saying you understand everything in between. We do this a lot in today’s society. We look for articles with catchy headlines and graze over them hoping to gain […]

Be Cautious of Suspicious Packages

Be Cautious of Suspicious Packages

There are things in the world that we never expect to happen. We expect our shoes to get untied. We expect to get stuck in traffic, and we expect that we will inevitably be late to a meeting at least once in our lifetime. We also tend to expect the worst case scenario. After all […]

The Perfect Present for Father’s Day

The Perfect Present for Father’s Day

Father’s Day is June 17th this year and it is coming up fast. The Mother’s Day cards are being put away and every time you pass the card section in the grocery store you see Father’s Day cards lining the shelves. With Mother’s Day, grocery stores put out flowers, chocolates, pretty pink vases and “I […]

Got Daddy Issues?

Got Daddy Issues?

Complaining about problems we have is our specialty. Who better knows our problems than ourselves? When we grow older, we tend to have a moment of clarity. For example, it dawned on Tammy the other day that she drinks wine a lot because as a child she saw her dad drink every night. Tammy now […]

The Hidden Dangers of Keyless Cars

The Hidden Dangers of Keyless Cars

We sometimes hear stories that see so crazy they must not be true. Then, once we look into the story more, we find out it is really true. Some things that you think are common sense, might only be common to you. It’s important to remember that not everyone goes through the same life experiences. […]

The Sound of California Is Calling You

The Sound of California Is Calling You

If you put your ear to a seashell, you’ll hear the waves of the ocean. However, you take your ear away from the seashell you’ll probably hear music. California is home to several noteworthy music venues and festivals. Being able to drive an hour, max, to a concert is one of the perks of living […]