Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Crenshaw

The Low Down on Hands Free Devices While Driving in California

The Low Down on Hands Free Devices While Driving in California

Cell phones and motorists are a bad mix. The split second it takes to answer the phone is enough time to get into a serious accident, and as if that’s not bad enough, most California motorists pay more attention to the person they’re speaking to than they do driving their car. California’s Laws Regarding the […]

Life Threatening Illnesses Not Considered Gravely Disabled

Life Threatening Illnesses Not Considered Gravely Disabled

The high cost of living as well as other things have resulted in California’s homeless population soaring. The sheer number of individuals currently living on the streets presents a wide assortment of problems for law enforcement officers. While there’s no way to make sure that every single person currently living on the streets gets the […]

Think Twice Before Throwing that Frisbee

Think Twice Before Throwing that Frisbee

If you’re in Los Angeles County, you might want to reconsider playing frisbee with your best friend or dog. The county has a law that clearly states that before you can throw a frisbee, permission needs to be granted by a lifeguard. Yep, this sounds like one of those ridiculous laws that are just plain […]

SpaghettiO’s Leads to Arrest During Traffic Stop

SpaghettiO’s Leads to Arrest During Traffic Stop

From a young age, you’re taught to trust the police, that they’re looking out for your best interest, and that all that fancy equipment saves you from being falsely arrested. Sadly, that’s not always the case. The police are only human and as prone to making the occasional mistake as the rest of us are. […]

California’s Eviction Process

California’s Eviction Process

While a landlord has the right to evict a tenant from a rental problem if that person is doing a great deal of property damage or has stopped paying their rent, California does expect that landlord to obey the letter of the law. Failing to do so can result in the police showing up and […]

2018, What Happened So Far?

2018, What Happened So Far?

It’s almost halfway through the year and we’ve already had an eventful year. It feels like it was just yesterday we were ushering in the new year. We had hopes and dreams that 2018 would be better than the previous year. We had New Year’s Resolutions that were supposed to transform ourselves for the better. […]

The Bully Epidemic

The Bully Epidemic

W.D. Ross was a man who believed that we as humans had a duty to do the morally right thing. He created the seven prima facie duties that we could use to help determine if we were on the “right path”. For some of us, the right path can be unclear. While others may see […]

Wait, We Don’t Just BBQ?

Wait, We Don’t Just BBQ?

There are several holidays that we love to celebrate in the summer. We can light up the barbeque, crack open some cold ones, and tell stories with our loved ones. We barely mention an actual holiday itself, and if we’re being honest, we probably don’t really know the meaning behind the holiday. The first of […]

How Legal Are DUI Checkpoints? The Answer Just Might Surprise You

How Legal Are DUI Checkpoints? The Answer Just Might Surprise You

Nobody likes being interrupted when they are running late. An interruption like that will just slow you down more, which is something you don’t want. You’re late enough on your own. You do not need help in that department today. Unfortunately, you’ve stumbled upon some traffic, and it was all caused by a DUI checkpoint. […]