Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Downtown

Do You Think We Are Slaves to Technology?

Do You Think We Are Slaves to Technology?

Technology in our world today is a blessing and a curse it seems. There are positive advantages to technology, like being able to look up important information about your flight out of LAX. Unfortunately, there are a few drawbacks as well. Generations like the “millennials” are labeled as disconnected because of their preference to using […]

Would You Want to Fly with a Peacock?

Would You Want to Fly with a Peacock?

Recently, a peacock made headlines at an airport. The interesting thing is, it didn’t make headlines for the reason one would suspect when hearing about a bird at an airport. This bird didn’t delay flights or damage a plane on the runway. No, it was trying to board a flight. The story takes place at […]

A New Freeway in Southern California?

A New Freeway in Southern California?

Southern California is known for its sprawling freeways. These giant roads crisscross all over the region, creating an intricate spider-web of asphalt and concrete. Unfortunately, many of them are bogged down by large amounts of traffic, which makes driving across them long and difficult. In order to help alleviate some of that traffic, Los Angeles […]

Reasons To Do Your Taxes Erlier Than Later

Reasons To Do Your Taxes Erlier Than Later

The dreaded tax season is here. Hopefully you kept all of your receipts because getting your money back is the best thing out there. Unfortunately, we didn’t learn how to file taxes in school. If you were lucky, your parents were able to explain to you how taxes work. If not, you’ve had to rely […]

The Disappointing Reality of Gun Violence

The Disappointing Reality of Gun Violence

There are several universal laws that everyone should know, and typically follow. The problem with universal codes is that we assume everyone will follow those codes as well. Unfortunately, bad people do bad things. People break universal laws all the time, which is why we have services to help prevent this. If a law is […]

Save Your Friend from Jail at a Price You Can Afford

Save Your Friend from Jail at a Price You Can Afford

Have you recently learned that one of your friends or family members was just arrested? If so, you are probably in a bit of a panicked state as you try to figure out how to bring him or her home. As you try to accomplish your goal, you are learning more and more about the […]

Things that Actually Make You Happy

Things that Actually Make You Happy

HUnfortunately life doesn’t come with manual or guide. In life we often get dragged down by the mundane. Routines become our way of life, and leave little time for having fun. The challenge many of us face is how to be happy. This simple question plagues many people’s minds on a day to day basis. […]

Why Don’t You Get Your Money Back from a Bail Bond?

Why Don’t You Get Your Money Back from a Bail Bond?

HWhen it comes to bail, there is something that many people might not realize. When a person rescues a friend or family member from jail by posting bail on their own, the bail money will be returned to them after the trial has come to an end. It does not matter if the person was […]

Don’t Hold in a Sneeze

Don’t Hold in a Sneeze

HEveryone sneezes, and for some people it can be rather frustrating because it is never just one sneeze. Instead, they suffer a series of sneezes as their body tries to expel whatever caused the sneeze in the first place. Do to the annoyance that sneezing can cause, some people try to hold their sneezes in. […]

Dealing with Difficult Co-Workers

Dealing with Difficult Co-Workers

Early on in our childhoods we’re taught to get along with others. We were told things like, “treat others how you’d like to be treated” and “sharing is caring”. If we ever faced a bully, or didn’t get along with others, we were told to take the high road. Now that we’ve grown up we […]