Providing False Credit Card Information


There are times when we could all use a little extra money. Adding an additional line of credit to our lives seems like a good way to get it. The problem is that if you’re already overstretched, the credit card companies will likely reject your application. This can prompt some of us to consider providing false credit card information.

Before you start to provide someone with false credit card information you should know about Penal Code 484f PC. This is the law that outlines the consequences of providing false credit card information in California.

The law states: “(a) Every person who, with the intent to defraud, designs, makes, alters, or embosses a counterfeit access card or utters or otherwise attempts to use a counterfeit access card is guilty of forgery.

(b) A person other than the cardholder or a person authorized by him or her who, with the intent to defraud, signs the name of another or of a fictitious person to an access card, sales slip, sales draft, or instrument for the payment of money which evidences an access card transaction, is guilty of forgery.”

If you think providing false credit card information is something that only happens when people lie on credit card applications, you’re wrong. While there are lots of people who do lie when they apply for credit cards, there are many different ways a person can violate the law.

Examples of providing false credit card information include:

  • Creating fake debit/credit cards
  • Using a friend/family member’s credit card without first getting their permission
  • Providing a store with a fake credit card number
  • Doing something to alter the numbers on a credit/debit card

Providing false credit card information is a wobbler offense. The circumstances surrounding the incident and the amount of money involved are used to determine if you’ll be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony. If you’re convicted of misdemeanor falsifying credit card information, the maximum sentence is one year in jail and restitution. In felony cases, the maximum sentence is three years in prison.

In most cases, providing false credit card information is just one of the charges you’ll have hanging over your head. Additional charges usually connected to this type of crime usually include forgery, petty theft, stealing a credit card, etc.