Staying Safe While Enjoying Dorm Life


One of the best things about finally going to college and moving into a dorm is that not only are you free of your parent’s strict rules but you’re also in the perfect place to meet people who will become lifelong friends.

While there are many perks connected to living in a dorm, there are also some drawbacks. The first is safety. While most colleges and universities try to take as many precautions as they can and to keep all students safe, they can’t stop everything. It’s up to you to make sure you do everything in your power to stay safe while also enjoying dorm life.

Keep Your Doors Locked

Dorms foster a community vibe that makes it feel like the entire building is your home. This is a great thing but can also be dangerous. The problem is that while you might know and like everyone who lives on your floor, you don’t know who might be visiting. No matter how comfortable you are with the people who live in your dorm building, always be good about keeping your dorm room locked both when you are and aren’t in it.

You also need to get into the habit of checking the identity of anyone who knocks before you open your door. Don’t assume that everyone who knocks on your door has friendly intentions.

Lock Up Your Valuables

It’s a good idea to keep a safe in your dorm room and use it to lock up your valuables, such as your laptop when you’re not using it. Locking away your valuables makes your dorm room less appealing to thieves.

Pay Attention to Your Drinks

It doesn’t matter if you’re hanging out in your room with a handful of friends, at a party, or have gone to a restaurant, pay careful attention to your drinks. Never leave your drink unattended. If you do have to walk away from your drink, dispose of it and get a new one. The last thing you want is to drink something that has been drugged.

Don’t Travel By Yourself, Especially at Night

It doesn’t matter if you were at a party or simply engaged in a late-night study session at the library. Don’t walk home alone. Find someone you trust to walk with you back to your dorm. Don’t ask a stranger. If no one you know can walk home with you, spend a little money and take a cab or call an Uber.

What things do you plan to do to not only make sure you enjoy dorm life but that you also stay safe while you’re at college?