Tag Archives: cheapest bail bonds in whittier

Whitter Bail Bond Store Will Be Your Savior

Whitter Bail Bond Store can be the savior you never knew you had on your side until now. If there is anyone who can get you, or your loved one, out of one of jail, it is the Whitter Bail Bond Store team. You may not be able to rely on many people to do […]

Explaining Bail Bonds

When a person is arrested for a crime, he or she will have an arraignment hearing, at which time the judge will announce how much his or her bail is. Fortunately, the individual does not have to pay for bail on his or her own. Anyone can help pay for bail if they wish, though […]

Whittier Bail Bond Store Will Always Be There For You and Your Loved One When You Need Us Most

Do not chase after a bail agent that will not return your calls, instead, go to a bail agent that will actually help. Some bail bonds companies do not care about helping their clients, they are only concerned with making money. If you tell them you cannot afford to bail your loved one out, they […]

Whittier Bail Bond Store Will Always Be There to Help You When You Want To Rescue a Loved One from Jail

What would you do if you found out that one of your friends or family members was arrested? Would you begin to try and bail them out right then and there, or would you wait for a time that is more convenient for you? The longer you wait, the more time the person you care […]

With Whittier Bail Bond Store Services Your Friend or Family Member Will Be Rescued from Jail Today

What would you do if you found out that a friend or family member got arrested? Would you leave your loved one in jail, or would you try to rescue him or her? You would not want to stay in jail any longer than you needed to, so do not force your loved one to […]

Why Is Bail So Expensive?

You’ve seen the news and watched the television shows and movies – bail can be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars – even a million! Why is this so outrageously expensive? First of all, the price for bail is determined based on certain factors like what crime and how serious it was, whether the […]

Whittier Bail Bond Store Services Works 24/7/365

Most people shut down for some time during the holiday season because well, it’s the holiday season. But there are some who absolutely will not, including us at Whittier Bail Bond Store Services. People get in trouble, or are in trouble all the time, even if it’s one of the biggest holidays of the year. […]

For Your Entertainment: 7 Oddest California Laws

The below are a round-up of what we have concluded to be the 7 dumbest, silliest, most absurd laws in California (ranked in no particular order). We’re basing our criteria mostly on the fact that we’re dumbfounded as to why these are even laws because they’re just out-right “w-t-f”. We hope you find this entertaining […]

About Those Criminal Background Checks…

After filling out all sorts of forms and applications (universities, jobs, loans, credit cards, housing, etc.), you have definitely noticed the part where it asks if you have a criminal record and/ or have ever been arrested. Ever wonder how often they check; or what they can see on criminal records? Not everyone will run […]

Why We Don’t Give Bail Bond Store For Juveniles

No bail bond company will give a bail bond for a juvenile. Why? Juveniles go through a different process when they are arrested. Juveniles are not offered bail – they are released to their parent(s) or guardian(s). California juveniles are constituted as those who are 17 and under. However under special circumstances, some juveniles may […]