Tag Archives: cheapest bail bonds in whittier

Protect A Loved One With Whittier Bail Bond Store Services

Some might think that keeping a defendant in jail is safer, for the community but also that individual. But sometimes they forget how dangerous jail can be. Think about it: Jail houses criminals. Now, jail is separate from prison, which holds criminals serving long-term sentences. But jails still do house criminals serving short-term sentences and […]

This Question About Bail Is More Common During The Holiday Season Than Any Other Time Of Year

One of the biggest questions we at Whittier Bail Bond Store Services get (especially now, during the end of the year), is if a person who bails out of jail, can travel. Holiday vacations and travel plans have been locked in for some time before the arrest occurred. Nobody likes having to cancel or change […]

There New Rules In Whittier For Drone Operators

The push to regulate drone operators has moved forward, at least in Whittier. A measure was passed recently that gives the police more authority to charge drone operators with misconduct and disruption. Drone operators may not fly their drones above 500 feet. They also cannot be within 5 miles of an airport or 25 feet […]

We Get What You’re Going Through

No, this is not part of our standardized customer service procedures. Our team, our family here at Whittier Bail Bond Store really does understand what you’re going through. While not all of us (120+ agents and representatives) have been in the exact same situations you are in, some of us have. Yep, some of our […]

A Minor Detail Can Make A Big Difference

“Thank you Whittier Bail Bond Store Services for being there for me. Very nice staff and good service!” “Great service. They really simplified the process!” “She is very helpful. Alexa is a saint. She does good work.” These are just a few of the many nice things people have said about Whittier Bail Bond Store […]

You ARE Innocent Until Proven Guilty

No matter what, when you are arrested, you are still presumed innocent until proven guilty. The “proven guilty” part occurs in court (or not guilty), which happens of course, after you are arrested. Because of this, you cannot be punished by sitting in jail forever (except under extreme circumstances where the judge will not grant […]