Tag Archives: redondo discount bail bonds

Being Released On Your Own Recognizance

Most people who are released from jail during their trial period have to pay bail. Some people however, do not. These people are released on what is called your “own recognizance” and all they do is sign a paper promising they will show up for court when they are needed, understanding that if they do […]

Sorry, Bail Is Never Tax Deductible

If you’re wondering whether bail is tax-deductible, well, it’s not. Even though it is money that goes to the government, it is really a guarantee (like an incentive) to get the defendant to show up for his or her court dates. Plus, the bail money is refundable (as long as the defendant has been compliant […]

If You’re Arrested, Be Cooperative But Know Your Rights Too

If you are ever arrested, you want to make sure you are cooperative with the police. At the same time, you want to make sure they are not overstepping their boundaries to step on your rights. If you are arrested, know this first and foremost: Remain silent and calm Try and remember the officer’s badge […]

Use Your Rights To Your Benefit

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.” These are the Miranda Rights that are read to every person who is arrested. Obviously a defendant […]

Have You Ever Considered That Getting Arrested Could Be A Good Thing?

That’s a pretty outlandish thing to hear, is what we bet you’re thinking. What good can come out of my loved one getting arrested? The good will depend on the circumstance. Public safety – maybe the defendant was a dangerous criminal terrorizing the community, or at least unleashing a whole lot of fear Personal “wake […]