Your Phone Is Worth Way More Than You Think


Your most expensive valuables may not be your car, home, fine China, or jewelry. Your most expensive valuables might actually be some items you use every day, such as your laptop and phone. They may have cost you a few hundred or couple thousand dollars, but it is very likely worth millions of dollars now, which is not a good thing.

The majority of people who download music and movies these days also watch and listen to these files, time and again, on their phones and laptops. On top of that, they may share these files with friends and family members. This is illegal and we doubt we really have to explain in deep detail why. Surface level: you are committing copyright infringement by taking a copy without paying for it.

Most people are not caught and punished for doing this, which is why people tend to do so without double-thinking. It becomes a regular habit, but it is a punishable crime with fines and jail time. This is when your laptop and phone become worth millions of dollars.

Norwalk Bail Bond Store can help bail anyone out of a California jail. Hopefully, people will stop illegally sharing and downloading content, but if they are ever caught and arrested, count on Norwalk Bail Bond Store to be right there to get them out of jail. We will help you turn this around very quickly!

Learn more about bail bonds and our team by chatting with us online or calling us at 323-357-0575.