Lynwood Bail Bond Store provides around the clock bail bonds service. If someone ever needs our services at even the oddest hours of the day, we’re not about to let them down by making them wait until the next business day to assist them. Our number one priority is helping families and friends bail their […]
Author Archives: spiralmode
If you’re someone who doesn’t know too much about bail bonds, but you find yourself needing to pay for one, don’t be ashamed to questions. Bail bonds are a serious matter and since it is your money and your freedom, you will want to know exactly what bail bonds are. To summarize it simply: Bail […]
A bail bond is one of the last things that anyone expects to have to pay, yet, if they ever find themselves to be in such a situation, it is one of those things that must be paid off; and it’s not something that should be shrugged off. This applies for everyone. For those who […]
The approval process for a bail bond is simple. The judge is the one who grants or denies bail, but trust that he or she does not make this decision based on personal judgment. There is a bail schedule for every county that outlines the average bail price for each crime. This ranges from infractions […]
If you are ever in the position where you or someone you know needs to bail out of jail, you have two main options: Use a third party professional bail bond company. Don’t use a third party professional bail bond company. It’s as simple as that. So which is the right choice for you? By […]
Did you know that if you witness a crime, you are not legally obligated to report it to authorities or to intervene? Of course, morally, it’s considered the right thing to do, but you wouldn’t be held legally responsible if you didn’t. These are circumstantial dilemmas and there are some instances where some people may […]
‘Kaitlyn Russell’ was a six month old infant who died after she was left alone in a parked car for over two hours. Her unfortunate death is the force behind “Kaitlyn’s Law”, which makes it illegal for a child 6 years of age or younger to be left unsupervised by anyone who is not at […]
The person who is getting bailed out of jail isn’t the only one who benefits from the bail bond. Many groups of people can benefit from the use of bail bonds, if you really think about it. A bail bonds release can lower pre-trial jail populations at no cost to taxpayers. Defendants who bailed out […]
For some reason, the “bounty hunters” only sound like they’re in the movies or on television shows. It’s how they’re depicted in pop culture that makes it difficult to understand how they are in real life. Well, in real life, bounty hunters work with bail bond companies when a defendant fails to show up for […]
California’s traffic ticket and infraction Amnesty program is in full swing and if you don’t know what this is, you might want to because it could apply to you, in a good way. This information could prove to be useful to you in regards to any unpaid parking tickets you might have. The Amnesty program […]