Tag Archives: bail bond payment

Bail Is Not Tax Deductible, Sorry

Although it might seem tax deductible because it’s a payment going to the government, bail is not tax deductible. Bail is a guarantee (like a bribe, essentially) to get a defendant to appear in court for a crime they are accused of committing. As long as the defendant is compliant with this and his or […]

Keep In Mind You Can Use Tax Returns For Bail

As you’re filing your taxes for 2015, you’re probably groaning because it’s just a reminder of all the money the government takes from you. Perhaps you could have gone on a mini vacation. You could have invested it or put it into a savings account. You could have purchased a nice gift for someone. But […]

Using Taxes To Your Bail Bond Benefit

Taxes are the last thing you want to think about or take care of this time of year, but really, they shouldn’t be put off to the last minute. And maybe this year you have better reason to get them done as soon as possible – you’ve got bail bond payments to make. You might […]

Use Your Tax Return To Get Ahead On Bail Bond Payments

From canceling your Netflix subscription to cutting back on dinner outings, when it comes to your budget, you may have thought you had it all figured out, even your upcoming bail bond payments. But, did you ever think about that tax refund you’re expecting to get anytime now? Having to pay for a bail bond […]

Norwalk Bail Bond Store Will Always Be There For You and Your Loved Ones

We provide all of our clients with fast, courteous, and confidential service at Norwalk Bail Bond Store. We have offices located close to jails and courthouses all over California, this way we can bail our clients out quickly. Depending on the crime your loved one committed, and the county where he or she was locked […]

Norwalk Bail Bond Store Will Make Bailing Your Loved One Out of Jail Easy and Affordable

For the past 29 years, Norwalk Bail Bond Store has been making bail easy for all of our clients. Our bail agents do all the hard work for you. We work with our clients to make your friend or family member’s bail affordable for you. No matter where in California your loved one was arrested, […]

Do I REALLY Want To Cosign For This Bail Bond?

If you get a call from someone in jail, it probably means he or she is seeking your help to bail him or her out. They are desperate and remorseful for their actions, ready to face consequences, and will be so grateful for you to support them, even if you are angry and disappointed. The […]

Ask Yourself These Questions Right Before Co-signing A Bail Bond

Do I trust the arrested person enough to appear in court when he or she is asked, as well as oblige by any other court-mandated terms? Do I have enough collateral I would be willing and can afford to put up? Can I make do if the arrested person does not go to court? Do […]