Tag Archives: gardena bail bonds

What A Bail Agent Can And Cannot Do

A bail agent cannot: Offer legal advice Get bail lowered Refer to you to an attorney Accept bribes Deposit any money towards a defendant for referring business and additional clients A bail agent can do one main thing: bail you out of jail with a bail bond which you, or any friends or family, can […]

Make Your Bail Bond Payment On Time With Your Tax Return

You should be getting your tax return any day now, and remember, because this is your money, you can certainly use it to help pay for bail. Using your tax return money towards a bail bond payment is 100% acceptable and legal. Remember, your Gardena Bail Bond Store agent accepts payments in cash, credit, debit, […]

Putting Your Tax Refund Towards A Bail Bond Payment

As much as you hate taxes and tax season, perhaps this time of year you might like it because you’ll be receiving a nice tax refund check. With this money, you plan to use it wisely and pay off some that cannot be missed: the bail bond for family member, for example. Not having a […]

An Example Of A False Report

Not only is it under-whelming, but it’s also very disappointing, that there are still a number of people in prison who have been wrongly convicted of a crime. A person could feasibly be incarcerated right now just because investigators were too lazy, the jury was corrupted, racist, sexist, the technology to test DNA and the […]

Sort Your Bail Bond Payments With Tax Refunds

If you overpaid taxes last year, you have the option of applying the excess amount to this year’s taxes, or have it refunded to you. In deciding which option would be more beneficial to you, consider your current financial situation. Do you plan to make a large purchase sometime soon? Have you been spending more […]

You Need To “Interview” A Bail Bond Company First

When your freedom, or that of someone you love, is literally on the line, you of course are going to want to seek out the best help you could possibly receive. You need to get out of jail and you need someone who you can trust and rely on to help you achieve this. You […]

Bail Is Not Tax Deductible, Sorry

Although it might seem tax deductible because it’s a payment going to the government, bail is not tax deductible. Bail is a guarantee (like a bribe, essentially) to get a defendant to appear in court for a crime they are accused of committing. As long as the defendant is compliant with this and his or […]

Using Taxes To Your Bail Bond Benefit

Taxes are the last thing you want to think about or take care of this time of year, but really, they shouldn’t be put off to the last minute. And maybe this year you have better reason to get them done as soon as possible – you’ve got bail bond payments to make. You might […]

Bail Out Of Jail And Into A Healthy, Supportive Home

One arrest doesn’t have to ruin your entire life, especially if it is one where you were eligible for bail. Anyone who isn’t eligible for bail most likely committed a really awful crime which could really damage their reputation but because you’re not that person, you can still rise above your own situation. Your arrest […]

What Can You Offer For Collateral?

In order to complete a bail bond application, collateral is required. Collateral is pledged as security for payment. If the original payment or agreement is broken, than the collateral is forfeited from the owner to the person it is then owed to. The most common forms of collateral are real estate, vehicles, electronics, and valuables. […]