Tag Archives: lynwood bail bondsman

Lynwood Bail Bond Store Protects Your Rights

One might think that someone who is arrested for breaking the law and committing a crime is automatically stripped of their rights. It seems fairly logical – proper punishment, right? Wrong. People who have broken the law and gotten arrested may lose some rights, but not all. They still have rights, which they can use […]

Jail or Bail – How Hard Is The Decision?

Once you have been arrested, you have 2 choices: jail, or Lynwood Bail Bond Store. Picking the right choice should be a no-brainer: Jail Jail is overcrowded with other recently arrested individuals and individuals serving a short-term sentence following their arrest. Some of these people will be dangerous and intimidating criminals. There is little to […]

Lynwood Bail Bond Store Is Open 24/7

A 3 A.M. phone call from your loved one in jail may be disturbing and troubling to you, but one to Lynwood Bail Bond Store is not to us. Lynwood Bail Bond Store is a 24/7 professional bail bonds company that serves all of California. We understand that people are arrested at all hours of […]

Lynwood Bail Bond Store – Hardly a Stranger

No human is perfect and some are more imperfect than others. It is up to us to help each other get through these messes, because in this manner, the outcome is more successful. Even strangers are more than capable of being those helping hands. Our team here at Lynwood Bail Bond Store would like to […]

Do Not Be Afraid To Ask Your Parents for Help

Turning 18 is a big deal because you officially become an adult. That means you can buy lotto tickets and cigarettes and you do not have to listen to all your parents’ orders. However, turning 18 and making your own decisions means you, not your parents, are responsible for your actions now and you are […]

It Is the 21st Century and You Can Technically Still Be Arrested for This

What century are we in? That is certainly a question to ask, especially after you read about these odd, and yet quite entertaining, laws in California and America. In California It is illegal to serve alcohol to a gay person. Considering California is one of the more progressive and democratic states, it is time for […]

What Is a Search Warrant, and When Is It Needed

If the police, while investigating a criminal matter, need to look through your property and belongings, they will often need a search warrant, unless you freely grant them permission to search. To get a search warrant, they will approach a judge and explain why a search warrant is necessary, e.g., reasonable suspicion that you have […]

Drinking and Driving Is Never a Good Idea

There will never be too many warnings against drinking and driving because, even though we are constantly reminded of this message, people do it anyway. They think they are good at driving, even while under the influence. That they will not get into an accident, or they won’t be pulled over. People continue to drive […]

Cyberbullying, And How It Relates To Lynwood Bail Bond Store

Cyberbullying (intentionally posting personal information of and/ or harassing another person by electronic communication like texts, emails, and social media with the intent of causing fear) seems like a rather harmless crime, but in California, it’s taken very seriously. Cyberbullying has led victims to harm themselves, commit suicide, or act out and even harm others. […]

Trouble Is Not In Your Vacation Plans

Grab your sunblock and your bathing suits because it’s time to travel! It’s the perfect weather to hit the beach or the lake; or maybe even some pool party. Our yearning for sunshine fun began with Spring Break and it won’t stop until autumn. We can’t wait! We have plans to travel to a specific […]