Tag Archives: traffic laws

How Parking Tickets Impact your Driving in California


Very few drivers in California haven’t received at least one traffic ticket. In most cases, the driver sputters a little bit, pays the fine, and moves on with their life. However, some California drivers have racked up lots of parking tickets. There are two reasons drivers fail to pay for their tickets. First, they simply […]

Traveling with a Motorcycle Group? Follow These Safety Tips


There are multiple perks to traveling with a motorcycle group as opposed to riding on your own. The top two are that having people along who are as passionate about motorcycles as you makes the entire trip more enjoyable, and that traveling with a group is safer than riding solo. If you’re planning a group […]

5 Commonly Ignored Driving Laws

lynwood bail bonds driving laws

Anyone who has ever driven knows that there are a lot of laws to follow while on the road. With so many different things to pay attention to, it can be hard to follow all of the rules 100% of the time. This is especially true when people witness others breaking certain laws and figure […]