Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Lynwood

Winter Break Driving Tips for College Students

Lomita Bail Bond Store

Winter Break is a favorite of college students. Getting to go home to spend a few weeks with family and friends, and even getting to hit the slopes. It is all fun, and hopefully no school work. Many students who live away from home for college will be driving back home and others will book […]

Support New Year’s Resolutions by Posting Bail

Lakewood Bail Bond Store

New Years is the best time of the year for everyone to begin the fresh start they have been waiting for. The phrase; “new year, new me” is definitely cliché, but nonetheless true to all. This is the time to reflect on our past year, and to set goals on how we can make the […]

The Difference between Pre and Post-Arrest Questioning

Lynwood Bail Bond Store

Pre-Arrest Questioning Since no one is being arrested, no Miranda warning is given. Post-Arrest Questioning The police read the arrestee their Miranda Rights; the right to remain silent and the right to a lawyer. These rights are to benefit the defendant, to protect him or herself, although they may waive these rights if they so […]

Do You Know That Bail Is Not Scary?

Lynwood Bail Bond Store

There is no reason to be afraid of bail or bail bonds. Bailing a friend or family member out of jail can be an extremely easy process for you when you get a good bail agent. A professional bail agent will be able to walk you through the entire bail bond process and can answer […]

You Can Get a Discount on a Bail Bond

Lynwood Bail Bond Store

Are you looking to bail a friend or family member out of jail, but are afraid you will not be able to afford it? Did you know that it is possible to get a discount on your loved one’s bail bond? Well it is, if you go to the right bail agent. In California, some […]

Finding a Good Bail Agent

Lynwood Bail Bond Store

Your friend or family member was just arrested, and you want to help, but what can you do? You have never needed to get a loved one out of jail before, so you have no idea on how to go about helping your loved one. You are going to need help from a professional bail […]

Personalized Payment Plans Make Paying for a Bail Bond Easy

Lynwood Bail Bond Store

Paying for a bail bond is a lot easier than most people realize. Bail bonds are 90% cheaper than the bail they are based on, and that makes them a lot more affordable. However, that is not always enough, which is why some bail bond companies offer their clients payment plans. At Lynwood Bail Bond […]

Credit and Paying for Bail

Lynwood Bail Bond Store

A person’s bail is often very expensive. It can be in the thousands, or tens of thousands. A bail bond is 10% of the bail, but it is possible that even the bail bond is still expensive. You must wonder, does paying for bail affect credit score? You know how credit works, you prepay for […]

Posting Bail has Its Many Benefits

Lynwood Bail Bond Store

When someone is arrested for a crime, then they post bail, there are two thoughts on the situation. One thought comes from some strangers, “Great, a criminal back on the streets.” The second thought comes from family, and friends, “He or she can get some freedom back!” Whether you see the negativity or positivity in […]

Your Criminal Record Will Not Ruin Your Life

Lynwood Bail Bond Store

Come 2017, make it your goal to no longer be that friend who gets into all kinds of trouble with your best friend. Rather, make it your goal to be that friend who confronts the trouble-making best friend and gets him or her to settle down as well. There comes a time where taking illegal […]